Wednesday, October 14, 2009

What Im Loving...

From buttons to makeup to music. Heres a list of all the things im in love with this october :]

1.Burts Bees lemon butter cuticle cream. I actually don’t even use this for my cuticles. It looked like lip stuff to me when I bought it. And, like the spacey kid I am, I didn’t read what the tin OR box said. So that’s what I used it for. And it worked. I didn’t break out in any weird lip disease. To me it looked like lip balm. So that’s what I used it for

2. Jergens Natural Glow Daily Moisturizer.LOVE THIS STUFF. It works like magic. People in magazines are always talking about “oh look at her natural glow!” and I was like “what the heck is a glow?” so then my cousin bought this and was obsessed with it and she told me about it. And she said something about a “NATURAL GLOW” so I bought it at Hanaford like 2 days later. And what do you know ? Natural glow.

3.Clean and Clear Morning Burst (orange scent). I adore this stuff. I saw the commercial and thought I’d try it out. I honestly have no idea what its even for. I don’t know if its like an acne wash or what. But I love it. I wake up in the morning and am SO tired from staying up until 2am on IM and doing homework. So I go into my bathroom and use this. It wakes me up and it smells really good and leaves my face really soft.

4.SIA. Her voice is so original and wonderful. I found her from buying her whacky video to her song “Buttons” that was free on iTunes that week. I laughed and found some of her other stuff. I was hooked! “Girl You Lost to Cocaine” is one of my favorite songs right now! I LOVE IT !

5.Alyssa Bernal. A very talented youtubee singer. This girl has a voice ! I’ve been blown away by all the notes she can hit ! Her cover of “Please Don’t Leave Me” by P!NK was amazing ! Shes such a good singer. And I think shes recently been signed ? I’m not sure. But when she comes out with a CD I will be the first to pre-order it a month in advance ! Here's the link to her channel:

6. My netbook. I’m in love with this little mini computer. Its so cute and tiny. And it works so fast ! I have my ENTIRE LIFE on this computer. If it were to crash I would just fall down and die with it. Its such a great computer. The only bad thing about it --no CD drive because its so tiny :[. But that’s ok. I’m not much of a gamer anyways. And if I ever needed to have a CD for it, I could just buy one of those USB CD drives for it. No big deal. But seriously. This thing is like $200 and its so fast. Im using it right now and I also have like 5 other windows up and its fast as lighting !!
This is my life on a website. Im absolutely obsessed with 2 things. 1. Fashion 2. Photography. I keep a bunch of pictures on here and look at all the others for inspiration. When I’m feeling lazy I go onto flickr and look at some of these amazing photos on here and I feel so inspired. To do ANYTHING. I feel like I can just go and change the freakin WORLD.

8.MEDIUM on NBC. What a great show. If you haven’t watched it (and believe me. You should) I will share with you a summary of the show i found online. Allison Dubois works in the Phoenix District Attorney's office. She uses her psychic abilities to help crack criminal cases. Her dreams often give her clues to the whereabouts of missing people, and by touching someone she often gets to see beneath the facade into the person's soul. Allison juggles this stressful job with her role as wife and mother of three children, including a daughter who seems to be developing similar powers. BEST. SHOW. EVER. That summary doesn’t even almost compare to how flippin awesome this show is. Watch it. NOW

9. Me and Ollies. Its not as big as Starbucks. But if your lucky you have been to one. This is the best coffee/lunch/star bucks ambiance/bread and scones place in the entire world. We have one in our town its like 5 minutes away from my house and I go there religiously. Not obsessively. RELIGIOUSLY. I adore everything in that place. Its got orange walls and leather couches and comfy chairs and its just so cute and yummy there. Its my
favorite place in town.

10.Slumdog. Best movie of 2008. By far. Even better than Superbad. I could watch this movie (and #11) everyday for the rest of my life and not get bored. If you’re a cool person, however, you have already seen this movie. If you havent then I HIGHLY recommend getting off the computer right now and going to your local blockbuster to rent it for 2 days. Its just the best movie. But I cant give a summary on it. I’m sorry. The less you know about it the better it is. If you pop it in that DVD or Blueray player of yours and your thinking “what the heck is this movie even about?” its better than knowing. Its just awesome.

11. Gran Torino. Oohhhhh love this movie. The whole plot and cast is just fantastic. And at the end when Clint Eastwood is singing Gran Torino….MAGGGIIICCC. Love it love it love it. I could and would watch this everyday of my life. I first watched this with my best friend and then with my dad and then with my mom and then by myself. Its just the best movie. And if your not a movie watcher I have 2 suggestions 1. Start with this movie 2. Read #12.

12. Death at a Funeral. Ohh funniest film of 2007 by a landslide. This is so great. I pee my pants every time I watch this movie. it’s the funniest thing. Its not American comedy which is all swears and inappropriate boy talk. This movie is actually quality hilariousness. It’s a British film and its great. Its rated R but that’s only because it says fuck a couple times. But whatever. Its not like middle schoolers havent heard those words before.

13. Statement jewlery ! i've mentioned my love for this before. with a black long sleeve top and yellow flats...AH. so adorable. its so bold and wonderful and crazy. and its HUGE and i love it. i think its so in and wonderful and i never want it to go out
because its so cool !

14.Shannon Saunders. Shannon Saunders is this AMAZING singer who has a channel on you tube. Im obsessed with her cover “Thinking of You” by Katy Perry. And she writes her own songs which, the first time i heard one of them i had NO IDEA that she wrote it. It was so well written and the guitar notes were so professional. Plus I’m also obsessed with her adorable outfits. I like to find similar things and re-create her outfits :] Here's the link to her page:
15. so right now im really into the vintage style. i just love vintage everything. how its so origional and unique and interesting. and i love when you just have little things that catch peoples eye. and i think this doorknob has everything i love. its vintage, its friggin AWESOME and i love the faded and distressed color. i think adding this to a door just adds personality.
16. these soaps are really cool. they're from and they smell sooo good ! they have several flavors. but its basically like 3 soaps stacked on top of eachother. and they smell soooo yummy! its all organic and from real fruits and spices and essential oils and things. it smells really nice.
17. how many times have you been in school or in the car and you iPod dies RIGHT when you want to rock out. its happened SO many times to me. and your like "does anyone have a charger ?!!" and they're all "". PROBLEM NOW SOLVED. this is what everyone in the world needs. its a portable iPod charger. so you can charge your iPod anywhere, anytime ! life saver ! i know ! This one is from elecom electronics and its called the 9 Volt Battery Charger. It's easier if you look it up just on google if you want to buy it.
18.Bananagrams. This is the best “im bored and it’s a Saturday and its raining” game. I can play this for hours. I cant really explain how to play. Reason number 1. I don’t want to. Reason number 2. If I do it wont even explain the awesomeness of this game. Reason number 3. Im the worlds worst explainer. So I suggest either look it up on a professional website or go to Target and buy it right now.
19. This is the product the world has waited for. It's Bliss's 20-in-1 wonder balm. and it is what it sounds like. you know how shampoos can be 2-in-1. AMATURES who thought that up. this is a 20-in-1 !!! 20 !!! and right now i will explain to you in a lengthy list everything that this wonder balm does. all 20 of them !
1.soothe sunburn
2.soothe windburn
3.soothes skin after waxing upper lip
4.soothe skin after waxing eyebrows
5.Soothing stinging from insect bites
6.Soothes itching from insect bites
7.moisturize chapped heels
8.moisturize chapped elbows
9.moisturize chapped noses due to colds, flus or allergies
10.soothe stressed skin caused micro-dermabrasion,
11.soothe stressed skin caused by AHA treatments
12.prevent runner's chafing
13.prevent shoe blisters
14.protect skin blisters
15.nourish your cuticles to enhance your manicure
16.helps repair ragged cuticles
17.tame flyaways in hair
18.helps seal split ends
19.groom eyebrows (i.e. as an eyebrow wax)
20.provide a quick fix up for make-up mistakes
ISNT THAT JUST AMAZING ??? it does it all ! i think thats siiick. and its only $18 and i got mine at Bath&Body Works. I havent used it for everything yet, obviously because its like 40 degrees here in new england and that means no sunburn problems!
20. this is the coolest, artsy-est website out there. and it seels the sickest stuff ! its all for apple products though im pretty sure. so if you have an MP3 player, sorry. these are so cool. they're from and they have them for every iPod and every generation so you can always find what you want. they always have really cool designs on them. and some are sold at urbanoutfitters, so you may have seen them before. they're wicked cool and the iPod ones are $15 or less depending what iPod. and they also have MacBook and Laptop covers too. they're soo cool.
21. this is LORAC On Screen Duo Rich & Famous bronzer. like i was saying with the Jergens stuff up there ^^^^, i like that look of the natural glow. and this works amazingly well on my skin. i've heard it doesnt work on everyone though, so i would try it out first if you can. it doesnt work for all skin, but it definetly works for mine. it works so well on me its a little insane. it gives my skin that Kate Hudson sort of glow which i love. so i use this most days :]
22. Skull candy has really good earbud long time !they're one of the best kinds there are. they're better than the headphones you get from apple. and they stay UNBROKEN for a really long time. the only bad thing is you sometimes lose the little bubble thing at the end. but they sell extras of those for like $5 and when you first get the headphones they come with 2 other sizes so they fit your ears well. i love these headphones ! PLUS you can put on your music as loud as you want and when those things are in your ears NO ONE can hear them. so if you have a mother who's like "TURN YOU GOD DAMN MUSIC DOWN I CAN HEAR IT FROM HERE" like mine...then theses are perfect for you :]
23. i heart sperrys. a lot of people think they look like old men shoes. but they look so adorable with jeans or shorts in the summer. i think they llook so cute. and i have ones that are red and have navy blue anchors on them and i just love them. they remind me of cape cod when i wear them. they're a little TOO preppy for my taste. but if you pair them with the right things they look wicked cute.
24. Threadless tee shirts are soo cool. and you can find reallyy cheap ones ! their clearence are from $9-$12 which are a really good price on what sweet t-shirts they are. they have all these crazy designs on them or really cool pictures. you have to check out their site cuz its wicked cool. the only thing is if you like a tee shirt you better get it quick ! cuz your size will run out fast !
25. Vans are sort of like Sperry's for me. they're a bit on the fence of being not my style. but it depends what color or pattern i get. they're a bit scene...which is fine but not really my style. i like the solid color ones and i like some of the funky ones if you pair them with the right things.
thats all for now :] i may do this monthly ! maybe they wont be as long though. i dont know what new products ill find in just a month. but ill try and do this more. cuz its fun
--sam :]

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


i know i know. i havent written in like... 2 months ? sorry ! i've been so busy! i just started High School as a freshman on August 31st and it is just so stressful. not even from all the homework and stuff, just highschoolers are just so dramatic. its insane ! anyways. even though i havent been blogging, doesnt mean i havent been keeping a close watch for bargains and fashion. thats my life, what can i say ? so i just have to share this news with SOMEONE. and who better than people who actually CARE.ABOUT.CLOTHES ?!?! soooooo. with no further adoo. here is the cheapest clothing on the whole wide internet. let's start with the most expensive cheap site and go to the cheapest one. SHALL WE ? we shall....

1) number one is a site that has pretty good clothing. IF YOU WORK ON THE STREETS. this site is called it is what it sounds like. its clothing for clubbing. so your booty would be hanging out or you boobs would be pushed up very high if you would like to buy clothing from here. i'll admit you could find something cute on this website to wear, but it would take some looking. the thing that i really love about this site is the SHOES. ahhhh the shoes ! they're really inexpensive depending on what shoe, but if you shop clearence you can get some ADORABLE fall boots and flats. you just have to get them really fast or your size will be gone in about 1/2 a day. they update their clearence selection daily so even if you look every day you'll always find something new and different
heres the link:
and here's some examples and prices:


this dress is not even the worst one.
although i chose to show you it because maybe with some work this dress could be really really cute the pattern is great and i love the gold. and this dress is $17.99 and not even on sale at the moment. so like i said, really good price


i. fricken. love. these. boots
excuse my french. but look how cute these are. and strangly, they dont make you look like your working on a street corner. look at that ! these boots are on sale and listed at $12.99. the other day i tried to buy these shoes and the only size they had was an 11. and i just looked now and they have 8.5, 9, and 11's today. so good news. they do get new sizes in even on sale products. so yay to that.
2)number 2 is a site that i've mentioned before, also known for their wonderful cute, cheap shoes. which stands for urban origional. they have really nice shoes and they also have clothes. although, even though they have a pretty wide selection of clothes, i can never seem to find really anything. i dont know why. but anyways.
here's the link:
and here are some examples:

here's one for all you checkered lovers
this dress is not on sale. but i figured a lot of you would like it, so why not use it as an example ? this dress is $28. thats a bit on the expensive side, i know. but it is one of the most expensive dresses on the site. which makees it one of the nicest. but the cheapest dress on urbanog is $9. so theres a pretty wide range of prices.
this shoe reminded me of my mom.
i think this shoe is pretty much perfect for all ages. unless of course your 14 like me...or your 87 and walk with a cane. but other than that i think that people in their 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's, maybe even 60's could wear this shoe. its got a pretty high heel, but my moms short so she loves that. this shoe is not on sale but is listed for $7. YES. that says 7! i didnt forget the one! $7, thats less than a tee shirt at GAP. so this site is very VERY cheap. it sells all different kinds of shoes. from pumps, to open-toe, to wedges, to flats, to boots. just every kind of shoe.

3) number 3 is a store i havent bought anything from yet. i guess i just havent gotten around to it. it's called and im not so sure yet if its a scam. or its knock offs...or what the deal is. its a bit to weird. and i kind of dont really care becuase i want it to be true. but im thinking it may be too good to believe. but whatever. we'll see....i'll update you on that. but if you buy something from here, please let me know what happened, how the thing you bought is, if it was really that cheap, you know. just how it went. anyways this site is CRAZY. it's got thousands of designer brands. you know, Juicy, Abercrombie, True Religion, Ed Hardy, Marc Jacobs....but heres the most amazing thing...EVERYTHING THERE IS ONLY $9.99. i know. INSANE. and its not just shoes and handbags either, its clothing and watches and scarves and jackets. its just so freaking cool. im crossing my fingers that its all true!
so without keeping you waiting any longer,
here's the link:
and here are some examples:

This jacket is from abercrombie
and i would think a jacket like this would be around $100 + ? especially
because its leather. and i adore this coat. im getting it for my winter/fall coat this season. which reminds me i should do that. anyways. this coat is absolutley beautiful and i love it. its $10 (as is everything else on this site) and im thinking its not a knock off because...who would knock off abercrombie? like i know its nice and expensive but its no Marc Jacobs bag.

lets just say this one together: VALENTINO
this bag is beautiful. its not leather. i actually have no idea what its made of. they do sell the classic Coach and Burberry bags on here too. but i thought i'd show something a little different to show the variety that principal fashion has online.

4)and for number four. the final i bet you can guess how much everything on THIS site is. thats right! $5.99 ! this was the first one i found and i was just in utter shock. i love the jewelery on this site. its all statement jewlery which is very in right now. they have a lot of basic tops and dresses. but they dont have any jeans or shorts really. not any bottoms. but they do sometimes have skirts. but i mean, you cant really get angry at that seeing how all the stuff they DO have is only $6.
so here's the link:
and here's some examples:

I love this dress...
i just think its so cute. and so IN right now. updates their site really often. so i havent gone on this site in a while and they have so much new stuff. and they keep their old stuff around as long as possible too. this dress is $5.99. and i love it! i love how cheap everything is on this site! and it doesnt look cheap. like, even if you zoom in you can tell its not like wicked cheap fabric. it's definetly not the BEST fabric, but its not awful. it
i really got into the idea of chunky jewlery from this site. they have so many unique colored necklaces and things like that i just kept putting outfits together in my mind. and i always came back to some sort of black long sleeve top and dark jeans of some sort and just this big hunk of colorful jewlery. so that that just POPPED. i dont know i've just always loved the idea of that.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Fashion INs

now its the time you've all been waiting for

leather boots-
ooohh. raise your hand if you love these boots !! all hands should be raised. if not...just leave. now. because no one else wants you here right now. know why? BECAUSE THESE BOOTS ARE AMAZING. these are the cutest things ! with a little sweater or blazer and dark skinny jeans. OOH ! i just love that. or no. with a little white tee shirt with a pocket. and some silver jewlery. oh goodness. i have to buy these ! and you know what the best part of these boots are ?! they're like 2o bucks at ! best site! so cheap and soooo cuuteee !!!! I CANT GET OVER THIS. anyways. yes. these boots are VERY. VERY. veryveryvery in.

high waisted skirts-
just about the cutest things ever. and you know whats sad ? is that i have this gut feeling that in like 3 years or something like that you'll be talking and be like: "what was up with that high waisted skirt fad? that was weird". but you know what? they will never be out of style to me. its just not possible. they're the cutest things ever. now. if your looking for some place to go and buy some skirts like this. i would suggest.... OR both are very cool sites. and have really cute clothng. U.O--a bit on the really really expensive side. but forever21--a bit on the tacky side sometimes. but you know what one of my unfinished-not-really-rhymey-or-poetic-sayings is ? You can find anything cute anywhere. you just have to search hard. because its true ! you can walk into the grossest store. or a store you absolutley DISPISE. (for me it would be hollister) and i bet you $100 if you really searched you would find something. something you would wear often even if it wasnt your favorite thing. you can do it. i believe in you. anyways. back to skirts. yes. cutest fad yet. so adorable

greek sandals-
lets all be honest with ourselves for a second. these adorable sandals ? are a FAD. a big one. its like the biggest one in the world right now ! and honestly. who wants to pay $100 for a fad that will soon be over as soon as fall arrives ? no one. but who needs at least one pair of these in their closet ? EVERYONE. so heres a solution to this problem:: i told you. its like the best site in the world. lets see...their cheapest greek sandal is...$6 and their highest really cute ones that i found....$10 !! i know ! amazing. Urban Origional.
these rightt here are...$7 !
Safari Prints-
also known as tribal prints. i think they are so cute. and this style i think will actually stay around for a while. i mean people have managed to wear cheetah print and not look skanky ! that should just go down in history. because usually you see people wear cheetah print like this......
but i have to say. i am really proud about how fashion today changed everyones perspective of tribal print/animal print. go us ! anyways. yes. tribal print is cute. and its not really just for one season. i dont think. we'll see how fall and winter goes and see if tribal prints continue to pop up. here are some really cute tribal print things:
, ,

gladiator shoe-
these things i have a feeling will go by fast. but they're cute as of now. i suggest to NOT pay a lot. not even like $20. just go !!!!! they have a pair that are really cute. gladiator shoes are kind of like...i wouldnt be surprised if even i looked back and was like "what were we all thinking ??" because. thats the way it is. anyways. yes. here are some lgladiator sandals...

thats all i have time for now. but ill be adding on. dont worry !

Now We Get Down To Buisness--FASHION OUTS


oh the art of it all. lets get some things straigt. the IN's and the OUT's of this season. and fall season which if you live on the east coast is starting to show ! yay !

and the ever so lovely WE'LL SEEs

the outs


hippie headbands --

just face the facts dude. miley cyrus has tried her best. but those have been out for quite a while. you can try your best. you might be able to still pull it off. OR NOT. they're done. gone. maybe they'll come back when your grandparents and then you can rock that again. but for now. ITS OVER. deal.

1980's fashion-
dudeeess. half of you guys reading this probably have already lived in the 80's. dont you worry. some of the styles will still be around. but you've gotta stop this mess of 80's culture. its good once in a while. but people are getting attatched. its like a fashion security blanket. and its just not good. sure the looks can be good when you put them together correctly. but lets be honest. most people dont. the 80's fashion is like a split personality. sometimes its good. and sometimes it turns right around a bites you. like one of those two faced creepy dolls they sell !


truth is. its better to be unique. always. even i know that and im just going into high school.

i dont care about abercrombie and hollister. most of the stuff is just white and says hollister. whats so special about that ?! NOTHING thats what. you pay all this money for brand names that say the store names across the shirt or butt. WHO CARES. its done already ! it should have been done a really long time ago ! none of those stores even remotley resemble anything flattering either. you have to have one perfect body type. and if you dont. you dont find anything that looks good on you. am i right ? YES IM RIGHT. im just getting mad thinking about it. its long gone. FOR SURE. plus. you walk into these places and there's nothing fashiony or pretty at all. its all the same. and then you go next door to abercrombie thinking "maybe i'll find something cuter here." you might as well could have walked into the other entrance for the same store. all the clothes are the same. they just have a moose instead of a gay seagull. DONE. OUT. GONE.

Polos and Jeans-

come on. there's nothing happy and unique about that now is there ? a plain polo and some straight jeans. been there. SEEN THAT. that should have been over way long ago. its like putting on a tee shirt and jeans. you gotta have some of that pizazz man. its what us fashion nerds live for. and when i see a person walking down the street in just a polo and jeans-my heart feels like its been ripped in two. and this long outstretched fad is so big that when that person walks by another comes wearing the same thing. and my heart just rips some more.

Choker scarves-
please. those went out when barbie started wearing them. they're not cute. as pretty printed as they can be. they're just not cute. its like wearing a choker necklace. UGH. not cool man. not cool. those are just the worst. no wonder you tie it around your neck ! its fashion SUICIDE.

well. i think im done bashing fashions for now. im sure there are a ton more. i will add on. but as of now. thats that !

Quick Embarassing Fact

so last time you read this i said my friends dont know about me and my love for fashion, correct ?
i also said it would be embarassing. correct ?
yes. i did in fact.
i bet your wondering why i said this. how is fashion embarassing if you love it so much ?
i will tell you.

me and fashion have a bond no one could ever understand. ever since i was like...what ? 3. i loved interior design. i loved clothing design. any games that had anything to do with clothing or decorating. i loved them. thats just the way ive always been. ive always loved shopping as long as i can remember. and theres this really embarassing thing that i do. and i cannot believe im going to say it for fear that if this blog gets semi-big. someone from my school (hell. even my TOWN) is bound to read this. but whatever. i feel the need to say it.

when i am bored. and am feeling inspired. i take out a notebook. and dozens of Pottery Barn and Vougue and Better Homes and Gardens magazines. and i design a house.
that doesnt sound SO bad, right ?
oh but it gets worse
when i am forced to go to Home Depot with my dad, i take every freakin paint sample i can find and i bring it home. they're scattered everywhere in my room. in hat boxes and folders. EVERYWHERE. and i design every inch of this house i can before i cant do anymore. i pick what couch, what wall color, what wood type , what back splash, what appliances. EVERYTHING.

now THATS embarassing. most kids shoot hoops or watch TV or something. i design houses. thats not normal.

that was a quick little thing i felt the need to get off my chest.
now we can move along.
to the FASHION :]


First. Ever. Blog

i bet i can guess what your thinking. who are you ? well. i guess the best thing to do in a first ever blog is to answer that question. right ? one would assume so. so here i go.
my name is Sam. no i cant say my last name for fear of being harmed and plus my dad would kill me :]
now i bet i can guess what your thinking. DAD? what are you 14 ?
thats right !
i am 14 !
and doesnt that just suck ? i bet i can guess what your thinking again. a fashion blog ? by a fourteen year old ??
dude. enough with the italics. its all good. im not a "regular" fourteen year old. i mean yah, i like the phone, i like to text, im on the computer just as much as i can before my mom tells me my brains will turn to mud one day.
but im also a lot NOT like fourteen year olds.
let me stop what your thinking right now before you even think of hitting that back button or, even worse, that X button on the corner of this window.



...happy ?
i bet you dont believe me
well. i'd be happy to change your mind if you stick around :]
im in love with all things fashion. and my friends DONT KNOW. that would just be embarassing, am i right ?
i mean HELL YES i have very good taste in clothing and that is just obvious
but how do i get this great taste ?
kids in school would assume its natural
but....i have to admit i watch so much fashion TV, am a slave for fashion magazines, read tons of fashion blogs and watch just about as much HGTV as i can get.

to get one thing straight:
and you dont know what i mean
i dont mean i hate labels as in CHANEL, Loui Vitton, Ralph Lauren, Vera Wang, Kimora Lee Simmons, Betsy Johnson, okay ill stop
i mean job labels
im not one sided. AT ALL
i dont just love clothing design. or just love shoe design. or just love interior design,
i love it all

and if the whole world decided we were too materialistic and shut down all forms of shopping and fashion...i would just fall down dead right there on the spot.

now. lets have a chat.
im gonna get some stereotypes crossed off of that list of yours
2. leggings, mini skirts and etnies=EW
3. i actually do know what curves are = !
4. i do not wear heaps of black eye liner
5. i do not like tight things
6. i actually know what look good on people
7. the jonas brothers suck
8. i dont think i should be a fourteen year old. im a 21 year old stuck in a 14 year olds body.
9. zac efron isnt even that cute.... :] LIES (but im not obsessed)

now that we're done with that
and we'll start that in my next blog. mk ?