Sunday, August 23, 2009

Quick Embarassing Fact

so last time you read this i said my friends dont know about me and my love for fashion, correct ?
i also said it would be embarassing. correct ?
yes. i did in fact.
i bet your wondering why i said this. how is fashion embarassing if you love it so much ?
i will tell you.

me and fashion have a bond no one could ever understand. ever since i was like...what ? 3. i loved interior design. i loved clothing design. any games that had anything to do with clothing or decorating. i loved them. thats just the way ive always been. ive always loved shopping as long as i can remember. and theres this really embarassing thing that i do. and i cannot believe im going to say it for fear that if this blog gets semi-big. someone from my school (hell. even my TOWN) is bound to read this. but whatever. i feel the need to say it.

when i am bored. and am feeling inspired. i take out a notebook. and dozens of Pottery Barn and Vougue and Better Homes and Gardens magazines. and i design a house.
that doesnt sound SO bad, right ?
oh but it gets worse
when i am forced to go to Home Depot with my dad, i take every freakin paint sample i can find and i bring it home. they're scattered everywhere in my room. in hat boxes and folders. EVERYWHERE. and i design every inch of this house i can before i cant do anymore. i pick what couch, what wall color, what wood type , what back splash, what appliances. EVERYTHING.

now THATS embarassing. most kids shoot hoops or watch TV or something. i design houses. thats not normal.

that was a quick little thing i felt the need to get off my chest.
now we can move along.
to the FASHION :]


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