Wednesday, October 7, 2009


i know i know. i havent written in like... 2 months ? sorry ! i've been so busy! i just started High School as a freshman on August 31st and it is just so stressful. not even from all the homework and stuff, just highschoolers are just so dramatic. its insane ! anyways. even though i havent been blogging, doesnt mean i havent been keeping a close watch for bargains and fashion. thats my life, what can i say ? so i just have to share this news with SOMEONE. and who better than people who actually CARE.ABOUT.CLOTHES ?!?! soooooo. with no further adoo. here is the cheapest clothing on the whole wide internet. let's start with the most expensive cheap site and go to the cheapest one. SHALL WE ? we shall....

1) number one is a site that has pretty good clothing. IF YOU WORK ON THE STREETS. this site is called it is what it sounds like. its clothing for clubbing. so your booty would be hanging out or you boobs would be pushed up very high if you would like to buy clothing from here. i'll admit you could find something cute on this website to wear, but it would take some looking. the thing that i really love about this site is the SHOES. ahhhh the shoes ! they're really inexpensive depending on what shoe, but if you shop clearence you can get some ADORABLE fall boots and flats. you just have to get them really fast or your size will be gone in about 1/2 a day. they update their clearence selection daily so even if you look every day you'll always find something new and different
heres the link:
and here's some examples and prices:


this dress is not even the worst one.
although i chose to show you it because maybe with some work this dress could be really really cute the pattern is great and i love the gold. and this dress is $17.99 and not even on sale at the moment. so like i said, really good price


i. fricken. love. these. boots
excuse my french. but look how cute these are. and strangly, they dont make you look like your working on a street corner. look at that ! these boots are on sale and listed at $12.99. the other day i tried to buy these shoes and the only size they had was an 11. and i just looked now and they have 8.5, 9, and 11's today. so good news. they do get new sizes in even on sale products. so yay to that.
2)number 2 is a site that i've mentioned before, also known for their wonderful cute, cheap shoes. which stands for urban origional. they have really nice shoes and they also have clothes. although, even though they have a pretty wide selection of clothes, i can never seem to find really anything. i dont know why. but anyways.
here's the link:
and here are some examples:

here's one for all you checkered lovers
this dress is not on sale. but i figured a lot of you would like it, so why not use it as an example ? this dress is $28. thats a bit on the expensive side, i know. but it is one of the most expensive dresses on the site. which makees it one of the nicest. but the cheapest dress on urbanog is $9. so theres a pretty wide range of prices.
this shoe reminded me of my mom.
i think this shoe is pretty much perfect for all ages. unless of course your 14 like me...or your 87 and walk with a cane. but other than that i think that people in their 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's, maybe even 60's could wear this shoe. its got a pretty high heel, but my moms short so she loves that. this shoe is not on sale but is listed for $7. YES. that says 7! i didnt forget the one! $7, thats less than a tee shirt at GAP. so this site is very VERY cheap. it sells all different kinds of shoes. from pumps, to open-toe, to wedges, to flats, to boots. just every kind of shoe.

3) number 3 is a store i havent bought anything from yet. i guess i just havent gotten around to it. it's called and im not so sure yet if its a scam. or its knock offs...or what the deal is. its a bit to weird. and i kind of dont really care becuase i want it to be true. but im thinking it may be too good to believe. but whatever. we'll see....i'll update you on that. but if you buy something from here, please let me know what happened, how the thing you bought is, if it was really that cheap, you know. just how it went. anyways this site is CRAZY. it's got thousands of designer brands. you know, Juicy, Abercrombie, True Religion, Ed Hardy, Marc Jacobs....but heres the most amazing thing...EVERYTHING THERE IS ONLY $9.99. i know. INSANE. and its not just shoes and handbags either, its clothing and watches and scarves and jackets. its just so freaking cool. im crossing my fingers that its all true!
so without keeping you waiting any longer,
here's the link:
and here are some examples:

This jacket is from abercrombie
and i would think a jacket like this would be around $100 + ? especially
because its leather. and i adore this coat. im getting it for my winter/fall coat this season. which reminds me i should do that. anyways. this coat is absolutley beautiful and i love it. its $10 (as is everything else on this site) and im thinking its not a knock off because...who would knock off abercrombie? like i know its nice and expensive but its no Marc Jacobs bag.

lets just say this one together: VALENTINO
this bag is beautiful. its not leather. i actually have no idea what its made of. they do sell the classic Coach and Burberry bags on here too. but i thought i'd show something a little different to show the variety that principal fashion has online.

4)and for number four. the final i bet you can guess how much everything on THIS site is. thats right! $5.99 ! this was the first one i found and i was just in utter shock. i love the jewelery on this site. its all statement jewlery which is very in right now. they have a lot of basic tops and dresses. but they dont have any jeans or shorts really. not any bottoms. but they do sometimes have skirts. but i mean, you cant really get angry at that seeing how all the stuff they DO have is only $6.
so here's the link:
and here's some examples:

I love this dress...
i just think its so cute. and so IN right now. updates their site really often. so i havent gone on this site in a while and they have so much new stuff. and they keep their old stuff around as long as possible too. this dress is $5.99. and i love it! i love how cheap everything is on this site! and it doesnt look cheap. like, even if you zoom in you can tell its not like wicked cheap fabric. it's definetly not the BEST fabric, but its not awful. it
i really got into the idea of chunky jewlery from this site. they have so many unique colored necklaces and things like that i just kept putting outfits together in my mind. and i always came back to some sort of black long sleeve top and dark jeans of some sort and just this big hunk of colorful jewlery. so that that just POPPED. i dont know i've just always loved the idea of that.


  1. FYI... They are all knock offs, but good quality. and shipping for one item is $18.99 & $4.50 per additional item.

  2. oh my gosshh ! are you serious ?! that sucks. well i guess youu could buy like...ONE THING. haha. oh well. thanks for telling me !
