Sunday, August 23, 2009

Fashion INs

now its the time you've all been waiting for

leather boots-
ooohh. raise your hand if you love these boots !! all hands should be raised. if not...just leave. now. because no one else wants you here right now. know why? BECAUSE THESE BOOTS ARE AMAZING. these are the cutest things ! with a little sweater or blazer and dark skinny jeans. OOH ! i just love that. or no. with a little white tee shirt with a pocket. and some silver jewlery. oh goodness. i have to buy these ! and you know what the best part of these boots are ?! they're like 2o bucks at ! best site! so cheap and soooo cuuteee !!!! I CANT GET OVER THIS. anyways. yes. these boots are VERY. VERY. veryveryvery in.

high waisted skirts-
just about the cutest things ever. and you know whats sad ? is that i have this gut feeling that in like 3 years or something like that you'll be talking and be like: "what was up with that high waisted skirt fad? that was weird". but you know what? they will never be out of style to me. its just not possible. they're the cutest things ever. now. if your looking for some place to go and buy some skirts like this. i would suggest.... OR both are very cool sites. and have really cute clothng. U.O--a bit on the really really expensive side. but forever21--a bit on the tacky side sometimes. but you know what one of my unfinished-not-really-rhymey-or-poetic-sayings is ? You can find anything cute anywhere. you just have to search hard. because its true ! you can walk into the grossest store. or a store you absolutley DISPISE. (for me it would be hollister) and i bet you $100 if you really searched you would find something. something you would wear often even if it wasnt your favorite thing. you can do it. i believe in you. anyways. back to skirts. yes. cutest fad yet. so adorable

greek sandals-
lets all be honest with ourselves for a second. these adorable sandals ? are a FAD. a big one. its like the biggest one in the world right now ! and honestly. who wants to pay $100 for a fad that will soon be over as soon as fall arrives ? no one. but who needs at least one pair of these in their closet ? EVERYONE. so heres a solution to this problem:: i told you. its like the best site in the world. lets see...their cheapest greek sandal is...$6 and their highest really cute ones that i found....$10 !! i know ! amazing. Urban Origional.
these rightt here are...$7 !
Safari Prints-
also known as tribal prints. i think they are so cute. and this style i think will actually stay around for a while. i mean people have managed to wear cheetah print and not look skanky ! that should just go down in history. because usually you see people wear cheetah print like this......
but i have to say. i am really proud about how fashion today changed everyones perspective of tribal print/animal print. go us ! anyways. yes. tribal print is cute. and its not really just for one season. i dont think. we'll see how fall and winter goes and see if tribal prints continue to pop up. here are some really cute tribal print things:
, ,

gladiator shoe-
these things i have a feeling will go by fast. but they're cute as of now. i suggest to NOT pay a lot. not even like $20. just go !!!!! they have a pair that are really cute. gladiator shoes are kind of like...i wouldnt be surprised if even i looked back and was like "what were we all thinking ??" because. thats the way it is. anyways. yes. here are some lgladiator sandals...

thats all i have time for now. but ill be adding on. dont worry !

Now We Get Down To Buisness--FASHION OUTS


oh the art of it all. lets get some things straigt. the IN's and the OUT's of this season. and fall season which if you live on the east coast is starting to show ! yay !

and the ever so lovely WE'LL SEEs

the outs


hippie headbands --

just face the facts dude. miley cyrus has tried her best. but those have been out for quite a while. you can try your best. you might be able to still pull it off. OR NOT. they're done. gone. maybe they'll come back when your grandparents and then you can rock that again. but for now. ITS OVER. deal.

1980's fashion-
dudeeess. half of you guys reading this probably have already lived in the 80's. dont you worry. some of the styles will still be around. but you've gotta stop this mess of 80's culture. its good once in a while. but people are getting attatched. its like a fashion security blanket. and its just not good. sure the looks can be good when you put them together correctly. but lets be honest. most people dont. the 80's fashion is like a split personality. sometimes its good. and sometimes it turns right around a bites you. like one of those two faced creepy dolls they sell !


truth is. its better to be unique. always. even i know that and im just going into high school.

i dont care about abercrombie and hollister. most of the stuff is just white and says hollister. whats so special about that ?! NOTHING thats what. you pay all this money for brand names that say the store names across the shirt or butt. WHO CARES. its done already ! it should have been done a really long time ago ! none of those stores even remotley resemble anything flattering either. you have to have one perfect body type. and if you dont. you dont find anything that looks good on you. am i right ? YES IM RIGHT. im just getting mad thinking about it. its long gone. FOR SURE. plus. you walk into these places and there's nothing fashiony or pretty at all. its all the same. and then you go next door to abercrombie thinking "maybe i'll find something cuter here." you might as well could have walked into the other entrance for the same store. all the clothes are the same. they just have a moose instead of a gay seagull. DONE. OUT. GONE.

Polos and Jeans-

come on. there's nothing happy and unique about that now is there ? a plain polo and some straight jeans. been there. SEEN THAT. that should have been over way long ago. its like putting on a tee shirt and jeans. you gotta have some of that pizazz man. its what us fashion nerds live for. and when i see a person walking down the street in just a polo and jeans-my heart feels like its been ripped in two. and this long outstretched fad is so big that when that person walks by another comes wearing the same thing. and my heart just rips some more.

Choker scarves-
please. those went out when barbie started wearing them. they're not cute. as pretty printed as they can be. they're just not cute. its like wearing a choker necklace. UGH. not cool man. not cool. those are just the worst. no wonder you tie it around your neck ! its fashion SUICIDE.

well. i think im done bashing fashions for now. im sure there are a ton more. i will add on. but as of now. thats that !

Quick Embarassing Fact

so last time you read this i said my friends dont know about me and my love for fashion, correct ?
i also said it would be embarassing. correct ?
yes. i did in fact.
i bet your wondering why i said this. how is fashion embarassing if you love it so much ?
i will tell you.

me and fashion have a bond no one could ever understand. ever since i was like...what ? 3. i loved interior design. i loved clothing design. any games that had anything to do with clothing or decorating. i loved them. thats just the way ive always been. ive always loved shopping as long as i can remember. and theres this really embarassing thing that i do. and i cannot believe im going to say it for fear that if this blog gets semi-big. someone from my school (hell. even my TOWN) is bound to read this. but whatever. i feel the need to say it.

when i am bored. and am feeling inspired. i take out a notebook. and dozens of Pottery Barn and Vougue and Better Homes and Gardens magazines. and i design a house.
that doesnt sound SO bad, right ?
oh but it gets worse
when i am forced to go to Home Depot with my dad, i take every freakin paint sample i can find and i bring it home. they're scattered everywhere in my room. in hat boxes and folders. EVERYWHERE. and i design every inch of this house i can before i cant do anymore. i pick what couch, what wall color, what wood type , what back splash, what appliances. EVERYTHING.

now THATS embarassing. most kids shoot hoops or watch TV or something. i design houses. thats not normal.

that was a quick little thing i felt the need to get off my chest.
now we can move along.
to the FASHION :]


First. Ever. Blog

i bet i can guess what your thinking. who are you ? well. i guess the best thing to do in a first ever blog is to answer that question. right ? one would assume so. so here i go.
my name is Sam. no i cant say my last name for fear of being harmed and plus my dad would kill me :]
now i bet i can guess what your thinking. DAD? what are you 14 ?
thats right !
i am 14 !
and doesnt that just suck ? i bet i can guess what your thinking again. a fashion blog ? by a fourteen year old ??
dude. enough with the italics. its all good. im not a "regular" fourteen year old. i mean yah, i like the phone, i like to text, im on the computer just as much as i can before my mom tells me my brains will turn to mud one day.
but im also a lot NOT like fourteen year olds.
let me stop what your thinking right now before you even think of hitting that back button or, even worse, that X button on the corner of this window.



...happy ?
i bet you dont believe me
well. i'd be happy to change your mind if you stick around :]
im in love with all things fashion. and my friends DONT KNOW. that would just be embarassing, am i right ?
i mean HELL YES i have very good taste in clothing and that is just obvious
but how do i get this great taste ?
kids in school would assume its natural
but....i have to admit i watch so much fashion TV, am a slave for fashion magazines, read tons of fashion blogs and watch just about as much HGTV as i can get.

to get one thing straight:
and you dont know what i mean
i dont mean i hate labels as in CHANEL, Loui Vitton, Ralph Lauren, Vera Wang, Kimora Lee Simmons, Betsy Johnson, okay ill stop
i mean job labels
im not one sided. AT ALL
i dont just love clothing design. or just love shoe design. or just love interior design,
i love it all

and if the whole world decided we were too materialistic and shut down all forms of shopping and fashion...i would just fall down dead right there on the spot.

now. lets have a chat.
im gonna get some stereotypes crossed off of that list of yours
2. leggings, mini skirts and etnies=EW
3. i actually do know what curves are = !
4. i do not wear heaps of black eye liner
5. i do not like tight things
6. i actually know what look good on people
7. the jonas brothers suck
8. i dont think i should be a fourteen year old. im a 21 year old stuck in a 14 year olds body.
9. zac efron isnt even that cute.... :] LIES (but im not obsessed)

now that we're done with that
and we'll start that in my next blog. mk ?